Concert March 4, 2018

The members of the Lake Oswego Millennium Concert Band are excited to present our next concert on Sunday evening March 4, 2018. The concert, titled Rhythmic Rambles, will be held in the Lakeridge High School Auditorium at 7:30 pm and, as always, there is no charge for admission.

This 74-member award-winning concert band prides itself in presenting concerts our audiences enjoy due to the variety of music they perform and to the high level of musicianship displayed during their performances. Pre-concert music will be presented by the Millennium Brass Quintet from 6:45 pm until 7:15 pm as local artists show their creations in the lobby before the concert and at intermission.

Music to be heard during the concert will include two marches: Rolling Thunder by Henry Fillmore, which features our trombone section; and Esprit De Corps by Robert Jager, written for the United States Marine Band. They will certainly grab your attention. You will also hear two lovely serene and melodic pieces. Danny Boy, a familiar traditional Irish melody, and Appalachian Morning by Robert Sheldon will satisfy those who enjoy lush, quiet, beautiful music. Eine Kleine Yiddishe Ragmusik by Adam Gorb is a brilliant synthesis of Scott Joplin Ragtime music and Jewish Folk songs. A Longford Legend by Robert Sheldon is the composer’s impressions of three 18th century Irish ballades in the style of British composers Percy Grainger, Gustav Holst and Ralph Vaughn Williams. For the classical music fans, we will perform the haunting and almost hypnotic Bolero by Maurice Ravel and Symphonic Suite  by Clifton Williams, which is the piece that won the Ostwald Award for the winning composition for concert band music in 1957. We know many of you enjoy the popular music from years past, so you folks will love the music of Hoagy Carmichael: An American Classic featuring Up The Lazy River, Star Dust, Heart and Soul, Skylark and Georgia On My Mind.  The opening selection on the program will be The Rise of The Silver City by Rossano Galante, filled with a wonderful blend of rhythmic fanfares, lush harmonies and beautiful melodies. It will surely get you into the mood for an enjoyable evening of band music.

Please join us Sunday evening March 4, 2018 in the Lakeridge High School Auditorium. The concert starts at 7:30 pm, but come early to browse the artwork and listen to the music of the Millennium Brass Quintet in the lobby prior to the concert. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Please introduce a friend or two to our music by bringing them along to the concert.

Dale Cleland, Musical Director
Lake Oswego Millennium Concert Band

Lake Oswego Millennium Concert Band in Concert
Sunday Evening, March 4, 2018
Lakeridge High School Auditorium
1235 Overlook Drive
Lake Oswego, OR  97034
Doors open at 6:30 pm
Music (Millennium Brass Quintet) and art in the lobby
Concert begins at 7:30 pm
No admission charge

If you have additional questions, please contact